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Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

RADIALIS (1 Abstract)
radialis (2 Abstracts)
radial parenchyma (1 Abstract)
radiation (2 Abstracts)
Radiola (1 Abstract)
rain dispersal (1 Abstract)
rainforest (3 Abstracts)
ramet (1 Abstract)
range estimation (1 Abstract)
range size (1 Abstract)
Ranunculaceae (1 Abstract)
Ranunculales (1 Abstract)
RAPD (2 Abstracts)
RAPDs (1 Abstract)
rapid radiation (1 Abstract)
rare plant (3 Abstracts)
rare plants (7 Abstracts)
Rattus rattus (1 Abstract)
rbcL (2 Abstracts)
rbcL (1 Abstract)
rbcS (1 Abstract)
reaction-diffusion (1 Abstract)
recombinant ITS (1 Abstract)
recombination (3 Abstracts)
reconstruction (1 Abstract)
recovery (2 Abstracts)
redwood forest (1 Abstract)
reference ecosystem (1 Abstract)
Reference literature (1 Abstract)
refugia (3 Abstracts)
regeneration (1 Abstract)
regrowth (1 Abstract)
reinforcement (1 Abstract)
reintroduction (1 Abstract)
Relaxed clock (2 Abstracts)
Reldia (1 Abstract)
relic species (1 Abstract)
reproduction (3 Abstracts)
reproductive allocation (1 Abstract)
reproductive assurance (1 Abstract)
Reproductive biology (7 Abstracts)
reproductive ecology (1 Abstract)
reproductive isolation (6 Abstracts)
reproductive mode (1 Abstract)
reproductive structures (1 Abstract)
Republic flora (2 Abstracts)
reseeder (1 Abstract)
resource allocation (3 Abstracts)
respiratory tract disorder (1 Abstract)
resprouter (1 Abstract)
restoration (3 Abstracts)
Restoration Ecology (2 Abstracts)
reticulate evolution (1 Abstract)
reticulation (1 Abstract)
Reynolds number (1 Abstract)
rhizomorph (1 Abstract)
Rhizophora (1 Abstract)
Rhodiola integrifolia (1 Abstract)
Rhodiola rosea (1 Abstract)
Rhododendron (2 Abstracts)
Rhodophyta (1 Abstract)
Rhodothamnus (1 Abstract)
Rhynchospora (1 Abstract)
Rhynchospora section Plumosae (1 Abstract)
Rhynie chert (1 Abstract)
ribosome-inactivating protein (1 Abstract)
rice-wheat system (1 Abstract)
Ring nematode (1 Abstract)
Rinorea (3 Abstracts)
RIP (1 Abstract)
riparian zones (1 Abstract)
Ripe (1 Abstract)
risk assessment (1 Abstract)
RNAi (1 Abstract)
Robert Brown (1 Abstract)
Rocky Mountains (1 Abstract)
root-associated fungi (1 Abstract)
root anatomy (1 Abstract)
root animation (1 Abstract)
root area (1 Abstract)
root contraction (1 Abstract)
root growth (1 Abstract)
root morphology (1 Abstract)
root mortality (1 Abstract)
root nodule (1 Abstract)
roots (3 Abstracts)
Root twisting (1 Abstract)
Rorippa (1 Abstract)
Rosaceae (10 Abstracts)
Rot (1 Abstract)
Roundup (1 Abstract)
RPB2 (1 Abstract)
RPB2-d (1 Abstract)
rpL14-36 (1 Abstract)
rpL16 (1 Abstract)
rpl32-trnL (1 Abstract)
rpoB (1 Abstract)
rpoC1 (1 Abstract)
rps2 (1 Abstract)
rps12 gene (1 Abstract)
rps16 (1 Abstract)
Rubiaceae (1 Abstract)
rubisco (1 Abstract)
Rubus phoenicolasius (1 Abstract)
Rudbeckia sp. (1 Abstract)
Ruppiaceae (1 Abstract)
Rutaceae (1 Abstract)
Río Pichileufú (1 Abstract)

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